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Welcome to our Conversations. One of the primary objectives of our group is to encourage the end of political party standoffs and ineffectiveness. America was founded by the a group with a large diversity in their lives and beliefs with one value that is missing today ... The abilities to listen, learn, understand the views of others and then use that to build compromise, agreement and to create real solutions. ...
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Saturday November 16, 2024
Upper Gwynedd Republican Committee Salutes the Lansdale Reporter During Sunshine Week.
In a March 13, 2022 editorial the Lansdale Reporter talked about the challenging issues facing those seeking transparency in government: “Each year in March, news media organizations across the country highlight the importance of transparency in government and the work of journalists to ensure openness among elected officials.”
“The Pennsylvania News-Media Association, of which this newspaper [Lansdale Reporter] is a member, is the state sponsor of Sunshine Week to draw attention to the Sunshine Act and Open Records Law in Pennsylvania. These laws together guarantee the public’s right to access government information at public meetings and through public records, allowing the public to witness decision- making so that the democratic process functions properly — and to be made aware when the doors are closed.”
We, at UGRC, share the concern that “… the ability of officials to manipulate what reporters can see is a real danger, and the local press must be vigilant and the laws to ensure sunshine must be enforced.’ We are also concerned about the authoritarian response of local leaders when questioned.
As I’m sure many of you know, the NPSD has been challenged by the community at action meetings. Typically, during the public comment section, people who are exercising their rights and franchise are being called “obstructionist” because they follow the science. We all know the folly in mandating masks for children long after the science has shown masks don’t work. The speakers are being call “obstructionist” because they question the application of Marxist critical theory in the North Penn School District. It has gotten to the point that expressing your concern about an official you elected is called “abuse.” It’s clear that elected and appointed officials are abusing language and gas-lighting their own constituents. When they can’t defend their positions, they call us names. Many of those parents slandered by the rhetoric from the progressives on the Boards are intimidated and feel disenfranchised. They feel abused by the ad hominem attacks from the bully pulpit. Of course, that’s what the bullies want. When one person speaks up they are labeled a “crackpot,” when two speak up they are labeled “conspirators,” when three people speak up they are labeled “insurrectionists.” So we need to help these every day residents feel supported and let them know we appreciate everything they do for our community.
Commissioners reveal their goals are not townships goals
“What’s important to point out with these is that they’re not township goals; they’re our goals as a board,” said commissioner Liz McNaney.”
“These are things that we, as a board, decided we want to focus on. It’s not something, necessarily, that everybody’s going to be in agreement with out there. It’s what we think is important,” she said.
Resident Tom Borneman questioned the April 6 goals meeting during the public comment portion of the April 19 meeting, asking why it was not streamed online and why it was held during the afternoon instead of the usual evening hours. McNaney said the afternoon time “was done that way because we all have crazy schedules, and 2 p.m. seemed to work.” Hull and Zadell said the meeting was not streamed or broadcast due to additional costs, and limited availability, of the outside firm the board uses to do so.” Or are controversial topics discussed without community input? So much for transparency!